
* Please note...
By Law any photos made by anyone, are the personal property of that person, and are protected by copyright laws. Therefore reproduction of any photos here must be done with permission of the rightful owner. 

*Also note... That this Blog was made on a MAC... How about that.

Feb 7, 2008

Looking Forward to spring.....


It won't be long now. Spring is coming, and for all of us seasoned pickers, this is the start of another year. 
 One word    Morels...... well maybe two words     Fire Morels..........
Looks like it might be a slow year in B C this spring. I only see 7 fires of over 1,000 hectares, and only 1 fire of notable size in the Prince George region (9,400 Hk.) All the really big burns are south of the 49th parallel.  
But I will probably figure something out.
 Last year we were at Tumbler Ridge. That started out OK till I had to put $800.00 into the Dodge for a new throw out bearing. Typical ....mushroom gods where not treating me right. All in all we had a good time. I was very spotty with a few WOW days.  And the trip down to the Wapiti fire was the hi-light of the whole spring season, what an incredible piece of real estate that is. Better than Banff and Jasper.

Wapiti Fire NE British Columbia

Fire Morels.... Drying in the back of my PU.

Music ....

For today I am listening to the    Bandana Blues show 
This is a weekly pod cast available at their web page and also via iTunes store (free)
If you like Blues with a difference , this is where you will find some interesting stuff.....


Well I still find it hard to say anything about Mac's
only ..... If you own one you will know what I'm talking about.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Hi Joe, I've never heard of fire morels until your post. I did some research and found out they are highly prized in France because of their slightly smoky flavor. Do you know where your fire morels go?

How soon after the fire do you go in?