
* Please note...
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*Also note... That this Blog was made on a MAC... How about that.

Feb 18, 2008

Back to Haida G'waii in 2003

We liked the place so much we went back......  This slideshow starts in Prince Rupert at the ferry terminal and goes on from there.  I have, hopefully , tried to show how we pick, grade and sell our Chanterelle  mushrooms. As well there are some photos of the old steam donkeys, that were used in the heydays of logging.Most of the beach shots were taken on the west side at Renells Sound. Here is a link that you might find useful Welcome to Skidegate, Haida Gwaii

BTW... the music is provided buy Bill Evans Trio "Alice in Wonderland"

1 comment:

GooGoo said...

Hi Boletus Joe.
I have enjoyed your blog.

see you on my server.
From GooGoo