
* Please note...
By Law any photos made by anyone, are the personal property of that person, and are protected by copyright laws. Therefore reproduction of any photos here must be done with permission of the rightful owner. 

*Also note... That this Blog was made on a MAC... How about that.

Feb 6, 2008

Well here goes...

Here on the LEFT coast of B.C. we are having a very typical winter day....GREY...
The wife and I were out the other day filling an order for RED BELTED conks. Funny how you see them all the time, but when it comes to collecting them. Well hell we were doing a lot of walking. And then when we found some nice ones they were so god damn far up the tree that we couldn't reach them. Long story, short. We got about 55 lbs. in all. I can't wonder why they would want them at this time of the year. For the most part they are dormant. You would think that the best time would be in the fall when they are growing.... what do I know....
That takes care of my Mushroom comments... for now.

Music.... I am listening to some old R & R from "Early Canadian Rockers vol #1" stuff from the 50's and 60's
Here is a URL  TUESDAY NIGHT ROCK AND ROLL DANCE PARTY  that will give those of you over 50 some good old time listening. ..... and some of you youngsters too.....

As for Mac Comments.... Let's just say that Mac is the only Comp. I have ever used, Enough said.

** wanted to put some pictures in this post, but I have not figured out how ...YET...
     well it just dosn't seem to want to work.


Anonymous said...

Mushrooms and music go well together.

Bobs Big Boy said...

cool site dude, here is my mushroom site

here is my mushroom picture collection

feel free to use any of my pics, links or any other info on my site, if you want to give credit back, that would be fine, if not, its no biggie to me. you can also get me at my mail addy here
If you have questions let me know